Editor’s Letter

Dear Reader,

With the weather getting warmer and the pandemic slowly taking on a background role in our daily lives, we at Expanded Field recognize the iniquitous situation we find ourselves in; while our own worries melt away like the ice, the world at large is massively hurting. We live in a world that seems incomprehensible at times, and we often feel powerless against its mass tragedies. From one day to the next, we find ourselves thrusted into a different reality, with the world we once knew shaken to its core by forces beyond our control.

In an attempt to understand the capriciousness of the universe surrounding us, we tend to turn to higher powers. Divine, the eleventh issue of Expanded Field, explores the sacredness of our individual lives, and reveals to us the importance of spiritual entities to devote ourselves to in times of desperation. Featuring stories about nature, deities, and the mundane, this issue shows us that the divine is neither bound nor limited to a fixed form or ideology. It celebrates what we take for granted and invites us to find solace within both the extraordinary and seemingly insignificant. We hope this issue encourages you to immerse yourself in the sanctuary that is your everyday life, see beauty in our often flawed and vicious world, and appreciate the imperfect yet omnipotent cosmos.

I would like to thank the editorial board for their divine work and dedication, and I wish to express my gratitude towards all the authors who have been submitting their beautiful pieces to Expanded Field over the past few years. We could not have done it without you.

Marije Klei

Editor in Chief


Time Heals All Wounds


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