Morviv: A Package Insert

Description: A Morviv kit consists of two pre-filled syringes with ready-for-use sterile solution for injection, plus a special timer. Syringe A (with a red safety cap) contains a clear, colorless or slightly opaque liquid with 5,000 IU Morviv death-inducing polypeptide. Syringe B contains a clear, colorless liquid providing the resuscitation solution.

Administration: For intravenous use only. Never administer the contents of either syringe as an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection or as a slow infusion.

Monitor heartbeat of the patient and establish intravenous access via a peripheral cannula. Administer the contents of syringe A as a rapid intravenous bolus. The patient will stop breathing.

Upon cessation of sinus rhythm, activate the timer, which will count down 50 seconds. When the time is up, the timer will sound three alarm beeps one second apart. Immediately following the third beep, inject the contents of syringe B as a rapid intravenous bolus. The patient will return to life.

It can be frightening to end the life of another human

being. But you are not actually killing them: you are

pushing them somewhere else and then tugging them

back, all with the tip of a hypodermic needle.

You will never forget the expression on someone’s

face upon being revived from Morviv therapy. Many

medical professionals have reported that this sight

has erased their own fear of death.

After the patient is revived with mixture B, they should be given reassurement, perhaps accompanied by a cup of tea. They should refrain from eating for six hours after the procedure.

Indications: Morviv is indicated for suicidal ideation in adults 18 years of age or older, with or without a preceding suicide attempt, when sigma agonist/NMDA antagonists, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), empathogen assisted psychotherapy (EAPT), and environmental nurture therapy (ENT) have failed to provide adequate relief.

Morviv has not been tested, and should not be tested, in healthy population.

Contraindications: Morviv is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it may result in irreversible fetal death. It has not been studied in the pediatric population. Morviv must not be used more than once per person.

Mode of action: When injected intravenously the mixture A causes death, which mixture B will fully reverse. The mechanism of Morviv in relieving emotional anguish is largely unclear.

Functional brain imaging in volunteers given Morviv have demonstrated massive release of many different neurotransmitters at the moment of clinical death. It has been suggested that dying triggers the secretion of some hitherto unknown neurotransmitters that are not released in any other circumstances.

It is also possible, that this is about something else.

Not synapses firing, not chemicals being released.

We don’t know where people go when they die. Is it

heaven? Is heaven our creation or is it an external

place? Does it matter? Is there a God? Are we God?

Does death make us Gods?

Will we return from death as the same person?

Perhaps death is like birth. Not the reverse of it, but

the same.

There is a common idea that when people die, they

see a tunnel with light at the end of it. Morviv

patients have generally perceivedthe opposite:

the sensation of being in a vast, infinite space. It has

been suggested that people observe different visions

depending on whether their death was voluntary or

involuntary. This may be due to stress hormone

release, such as the effect of epinephrine and

norepinephrine on the blood flow of the optic nerve.

Sounds pretty reductionistic, doesn’t it?

Patients have reported a deep sense of ‘belonging’

and ‘being connected,’ and that this is what they

have sought all along. Whether the sensation stays

or not, they will always remember it.

Perhaps the most fascinating part about the

episode is the effect on time perception. Besides

infinite spaces, patients have recounted the event

lasting for an extremely long time—one patient

described it as a ‘zillion billion years’—often

likened to eternity. Perhaps William Blake was

on to something, perhaps he was conveying the same

ideas as Einstein did a hundred years later, just

more gracefully.

Remarkably, no one has reported suffering boredom

in this eternity.

Adverse reactions: Most patients experience some level of fatigue and low mood as a result of synaptic neurotransmitter depletion. Headache, disorientation and vertigo are relatively common. Euphoria is occasionally reported. There may be transient memory loss or distortion of memories.

Administration of mixture A alone or a delay in administration of mixture B will lead to irreversible death or brain damage.

After taking Morviv, some patients have adapted

a belief that they no longer exist, and attempts to

persuade them otherwise are generally futile. It is

unclear whether this strange conviction poses harm

to their psychological well-being.

In rare cases death may become excessively attractive

after the use of Morviv. These people cannot find a

reason to get back to their lives. They feel like

walking dead.’ No one knows what should be done

about them, how to help them. Or even if they should

be helped.

Birth is not infallible, either. Sometimes babies are

stillborn, stuck between two worlds.

It is not known if Morviv has potential for abuse. Based on its effects on the human mind, this seems probable.




The Madhouse