Window Seat

Questions starting with W—as in 

Wings—fap-flap about. 

Startled crows in crowded cabin. 

No chute out of plane in flight 

and anyway you’ve been blinded 

so blind is down in window seat. 

Eyes shut, my remains resort 

to humming a bossa tune 

as I’m imploding.

Controlled breathing is key but 

not for any exit of present tense. 

Come unwelcome lunch you graze 

on cheese and crackers, drink water, 

which has been known to settle 

global conflicts; however…

lunch decides to launch so 

you’re left to decipher liquid 

expressionism on shirt front.

Person in adjoining seat wishes

to abandon ship but settles for 

a trip down the aisle to nearby 

but over-subscribed tiny toilet. 

Ciao claustrophobia.

Remember to hydrate and hide 

rate of panic. Remember, if you return

to earth, to remain there. Remember 

to forget this off-the-planet excursion.

This seeming endless flight, like life,

must end eventually from lack of fuel, 

arrival or Kaboomsky!

Or so you tell yourself, while 

considering today may be first day 

of the ‘rest’ of your life, right here 

on this stinking, unearthly plane.


Three Versions Of My Father

